Reason 3:
a wonderful project- Royal Project StationBeside the main road of Doi Inthanon, near to the hawker and market place, we can see some farms which are covered by transparent plastic ( in order to protect the crop).
It is the Royal Project which was initiated in 1979 by His Majesty the King in his great effort to help the hilltribes to cultivate crops other than OPIUM and also introduce them to modern agriculture techniques.
It is really a good project because the hilltribe has been planting opium for ages, the relevant authority did not just prohibit them from planting opium, but instead they give the hilltribe another greater skills and support to plant other crops such as strawberry, cabbage.... It is a really great job!!!

This is a rather unusual market.
MARKET, should be a place that is noisy and dirty ( This is what i can think of) or a place that is quiet but with rather not fresh goods. But, this is a quiet market where the vegetables and fruits look fresh and attractive. The stall attendants are good and not pushy. just felt very relax when walking in the market. By the way, the market is very clean. Hope that it will maintain to be in this way.

I love strawberry. A big beg of strawberry costs about 200 baht. yum.yum...
For our trip, lunch was included.
Lets have a look at our lunch.
Coconut White Curry SoupFirst time i tried that, thumb up.
Sweet & sour porkThe taste was good. But, it was different from what i usually eat in Malaysia. Usually, in Malaysia, this dish is deep fried , then sweet & sour source is pour ontop of it.
There was another vegetable. A simple lunch with 1 meat, 1 vegetable and 1 soup. I would say simple but nice lunch.

After having lunch in the hawker centre, i went to washroom. I would have to say luckily i went to the washroom. Lucky not because the washroom is great or i fortunate to pick up any gold or money in the washroom.
BUT, the view behind the washroom was just great!!! wow...